Five quick content creation tips for small business owners

Photo of a tidy desk with a computer, laptop and phone on it, ready to create content with

Not everyone has time to create and share promotional content on a regular basis.

It’s something that small business owners particularly struggle with: juggling content creation and marketing with client work isn’t easy. So how do you produce content quickly and efficiently, without neglecting other aspects of your business?

Here are five fast tips to help you produce content your target audience will enjoy reading, without spending hours slaving over your keyboard.

1. Write like you speak

Don’t assume you need to write in fancy business lingo to create great content. The vast majority of readers prefer posts that are written in clear, concise language.

How to do it: Imagine you’re having a chat with your friend and write down the words you’d use to explain the subject to them, rather than filling your content with language that only experts will understand. It might help to record yourself discussing the topic using a voice recorder, then transcribing it and editing what you said into a conversational blog post or article.

2. Educate your audience

Being too sales-focused in your content can damage your chances of winning the customers you want to attract. Instead, aim to educate readers about your area of knowledge. By providing solutions to common problems, you’ll naturally establish yourself as the expert your target customers need.

How to do it: Create a list of issues related to your industry that your customers struggle with, and produce content that provides useful advice on these topics. Keep it concise by dealing with one issue per post. As well as saving you time, a narrower focus will give readers the answer they’re looking for more quickly.

3. Understand what your audience wants

Winning the attention of your audience will be tricky if you don’t understand what they want or need. By taking the time to learn about what your target customers need help with, you can respond to their problems by creating content that provides a real solution.

How to do it: Create a simple online questionnaire that asks your audience which aspects of your industry they find the most challenging. Distribute it among as many relevant people as possible, and use their responses to inform the content you produce.

4. Stay relevant

Your content should relate to the sector you specialise in, giving you the best chance of converting readers into customers as they learn about what you can offer them. This may sound obvious, but it’s surprising how many businesses aim to cover subjects that have nothing to do with what they offer.

How to do it: A simple Venn diagram will help you determine what subjects your content should focus on. The overlap between what you offer and what your customers need is where the magic happens: these are the topics that not only help your customers, but that position you as the expert who can make things easier for them.

5. Make it visible

Search engines, social media and email newsletters are all places where your content could potentially be discovered. Ensure that each piece of content you produce is optimised for these channels, and the hard work you put into creating it won’t be wasted.

How to do it: Include keywords in your blog posts that help people find them through Google searches, craft compelling social media posts for each platform you use, and link to your latest content within your email newsletter if you have one. If you’re super busy (and who isn’t?), consider focusing on one channel to maximise your chances of success – doing one thing well is better than spreading yourself thin and failing to make an impact.

Bonus tip! Collaborate with a pro

Even with these tips, you might lack the time, energy or motivation to create content for your business. It’s understandable – you want to spend your time focusing on what you do best, not struggling to come up with compelling content that promotes what you do.

If that’s the case, make life easier for yourself by outsourcing the important task of content creation to an experienced professional, such as a freelance copywriter or content marketer.

Need awesome content for your business? Get in touch – it’s what I do best!


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